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Automatic translation - Giuseppe Carro Cao graduated in civil engineering at Pisa in 1924 with the vote of 100/100 and immediately began a collaboration with the Royal School of Engineering, then directed by Prof. Pistolesi, Institute of Science Machines as a voluntary assistant, after taking teaching "Technology Mechanical and Industrial Plants. " At the same time leads on the activity of professor Engineering Mechanics of the Regio Industrial Institute which will become Industrial Technical Institute "Leonardo da Vinci "in the postwar period, and which Prof. Carro Cao Dean will until 1964. It is in this year that its activity collaboration with the University become full time. It receives appointment as Professor Mechanical Technology and 1968 to the Ordinary. 1965 sees the founding of the Institute of Mechanical Technology of as director until 1972 and will which are made at the His fundamental studies on modeling phenomena behind of chip formation in machined. Other aspects of the work study by the team led by Prof Carro Cao are those related to detection of shear forces, study of the effects of vibration on surface quality surface finish and finally numerous studies on innovative rising production automation. Prof. Carro Cao is a member of CIRP (College International pour the etude scientifique des techniques mecanique de prodution) from 1953. Becoming Chairman in 1971 and even after the expiry of his term he remains an honorary member, continuing actively interested research in the field of mechanical technology with numerous contributions and publications. In 1977, after 53 years of uninterrupted teaching and research, Professor Carro Cao leaves the University of Pisa and the Faculty Engineering, who recalls for its continued commitment and the exemplary discipline, as well as for scientific progress he product and still behind the teachings of Technology Mechanics.
Ingegneria a pisa [number 5, November 2006, page 11] is the official paper and electronic newsletter of the School of Engineering of Pisa University (in Italian only, sorry).