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Automatic translation - Prof. Michele Lanzetta was appointed associate member of CIRP, the International Academy Engineering Production (Http://www.cirp.net), which aims to promote research and the for industrial applications in technologies and systems productive. Founded in 1951, belong to 500 members, teachers academics and senior representatives of large companies from 46 countries. Are already members Prof. Marco Santochi and Prof. Gino Dini, and was President Prof. Carro Cao in 1971-72. Our faculty will host the 60th General Assembly in 2010. A previous general meeting of CIRP was housed in our Faculty in 1970 ended with a concert at the Monumental Cemetery Pisani that have not forgotten.
Ingegneria a pisa [number 6, April 2007, page 3] is the official paper and electronic newsletter of the School of Engineering of Pisa University (in Italian only, sorry).